What is Electro-Acupuncture?
Electro-acupuncture (EA) is the therapeutic stimulation of acupuncture needles with electrical impulses. It was developed in China in the 1930’s to mechanically stimulate the needles, so the practitioner didn’t have to manually. These electrical impulses enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture for many disease conditions. Studies show that the electrical current generated with EA stimulates a larger area of the body than needles alone. These electrical currents also stimulate cells, tissues and entire physiological systems.
What does Electro-Acupuncture treat?
Electro-Acupuncture is proven to have many therapeutic indications, including:
· Acute and chronic pain
· Neurological disorders and paralysis
· Cancer
· Heart disease
· Skin conditions
· Substance use disorder
· Mental and emotional health
· Immune support
What does Electro-Acupuncture feel like?
The frequency and intensity of the electrical current administered in a treatment is different for different disease conditions. At most, patients will experience a tingling or buzzing sensation, and occasional muscle twitches from EA. These are only temporary and will stop once the treatment is over. EA should never hurt, and if it does, notify your practitioner so they can adjust the settings. An EA treatment typically lasts 30 minutes.
Is Electro-Acupuncture safe?
EA is safe and effective, having been in use now for over 90 years. Some conditions are not suitably treated with EA, such as epilepsy or conditions with a history of seizures. EA is also not advisable for patients with pacemakers.
1. http://www.itmonline.org/arts/electro.htm
2. http://www.acupuncturetoday.com/abc/electroacupuncture.php
3. http://pantheonresearch.com/what-is-electro-acupuncture/
Written By Jennifer Peterson, MSOM, LAc